Why should you use telemarketing as part of your marketing mix? You almost certainly already use the phone to create and develop business leads and close deals – which is, in essence, “telemarketing”.
Voice contact remains an essential element of most B2B sales processes – most digitally-focussed enterprise marketing teams recommend and use telemarketing.
However, often calling is carried out by non-specialist staff with other responsibilities, whose telemarketing efforts are difficult to manage or measure. As a result this kind of telemarketing is often highly inefficient. When carried out properly telemarketing can be one of the most cost effective marketing channels available.
Telemarketing is measurable, “two way”, flexible and offers market insight. It’s more than likely that your main competitors already use telemarketing to create, qualify and nurture new leads and sales…
Our guide provides step-by-step guidance on how to set up an effective telemarketing campaign that delivers results and ROI.
You will learn how to:
Create an effective data foundation to support targeting and ROI
Get the right message to the right people and continue a meaningful dialogue
Build a framework that gets results and supports continuous improvement
To find out more, complete the form and download our guide.