Do you provide data?
We source data on behalf of many of our clients, when we’re engaged to undertake a telemarketing campaign. As telemarketing is our core business, we do not hold our own data and don’t provide data as a standalone service.
In addition, every telemarketing requirement is unique, so we work with different providers that best match the specific profile (sector, decision maker level and type, geography, organisation size, usage) of the target audience. We will generally source a number of counts, samples, and previews from different providers, to identify the best fit for the campaign.
We work only with reputable providers, who are experts in their fields. We only work with providers who are compliant with GDPR regulations.
Can you use our database?
Yes – we frequently work with our clients’ databases, which might comprise of warm leads, cold prospects or existing customers.
Where quality is poor, we can cleanse and enhance your data to ensure it is fit for purpose. Where volumes are insufficient, or we are targeting new sectors, we can source additional data to supplement the existing database.
Who owns the data at the end of the campaign?
If we source data on your behalf, the data will be licensed to you, not us.
Data is licensed according to the requirements of each engagement. For example, for a small telemarketing only project, the license may be short-term or single use, for that channel only. If the campaign involves multiple channels for an extended period, a twelve month multi-use license will apply. Your requirements will be captured as part of the briefing process to ensure you choose the right license model.
We never share data between clients and we have robust processes to ensure data integrity and confidentiality is maintained.
Can we use the data for other marketing activities after the telemarketing campaign?
Yes, either just the records we’ve started to nurture on your behalf through calling, or all of the data, subject to the licensing model you’ve chosen.